Educational Leave

A leave of absence for the purpose of furthering a team member’s education when the additional education will be beneficial to the performance of the team member in their current position, related positions within the organization, or a position to which the team member could reasonably expect to attain upon completion of the additional education.


Team members employed for at least one year and working at least 20 hours per week are eligible to apply for an educational leave of absence.

Duration of Leave

An educational leave is no longer than six months.

Benefits Status During Leave

The team member will not be eligible for benefits during an educational leave of absence. Sick time hours will be reinstated upon the team member’s return to work.

Compensation During Leave

Accrued vacation time will be used until exhausted; the remaining leave time will be unpaid.

Return to Work

An educational leave of absence does not guarantee the reinstatement of the team member at the end of the leave. However, Carle Health will make every effort to return the team member to their former or a comparable position. If the team member’s position is unavailable at the time of return, it’s the team member’s responsibility to submit applications for vacant positions of interest. If the team member isn’t selected for a position within 30 days following the end of leave or date of release, the team member’s status will reflect voluntary resignation with proper notice.