Vacation Time

All team members whose employment status is part-time (.5 FTE) or higher accrue time off each pay period. Most team members are allowed to accrue vacation time on a maximum of 80 hours per pay period. Vacation rolls over, year to year up to a set maximum. Vacation time can be used after you've been employed for 90 days.

PRN team members are provided an opportunity to accrue at least 40 hours of paid time off, identified as personal time off. Their time is based on hours worked and capped at 40 hours per the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act.

Additionally, new parents are given one week of parental leave. You'll find more details in the Parent Resources section.


Length of employment Factor per hour paid Max hours accrued per pay period*  MAX ACCUMULATION
0−3 years 0.065385 5.231 204.05
4−9 years 0.084615 6.769 263.95
10−14 years 0.094231 7.538 293.96
15−20 years 0.103846 8.308 323.97
Over 20 years 0.123077 9.846 383.95
*This amount is based on being paid for 80 hours per two-week pay period.

Voluntary Vacation Time Cash-In

Carle Health encourages team members to use their earned vacation time throughout the year to relax, rest and return to work more productive. However, we also believe in providing options that allow team members to have greater flexibility in their total compensation package. Team members can choose to cash in a minimum of 10 hours and a maximum of 80 hours per year in 10-hour increments. Starting in 2025, this process will take place in Workday and team members will have more dates available for payout. Team members cashing in hours will incur a 5% rate reduction per IRS guidelines. Team members must also retain at least 40 hours in their vacation bank. Additional details are in the HR - Voluntary Vacation Hours Cash-In Program policy.